This post is sponsored by Silk’n who kindly provided me with their FaceFX anti-aging device for free in exchange for my honest assessment of the product. All opinions and awkward on-screen moments are my own.
Here’s something I’m a bit embarrassed to admit to you guys: I’m a bit obsessed (bordering on vain) about my skin and keeping it healthy. I’ve always taken pretty good care of my skin. I’ve been using moisturizer everyday since I was a kid, I always wash my face before bed (with the exception of a few vodka soaked nights in college), I use eye-cream religiously and I wear sunscreen like it’s my job. Now that I’m in my 30’s I’ve become even more neurotic about my face and taking care of it. I’m pretty happy with what god gave me and I’d like to keep my skin in the same condition it’s in for as long as possible (naturally, without injecting foreign substances into my body or going under the knife). Although I try and buy the best quality products that are within my budget, I just don’t have the extra cash for expensive spa treatments or a lifetime supply of Creme de la Mer. I’m pretty sure most of us are in the same boat.
That’s why I was super excited when FaceFX offered to send me one of their Anti-Aging & Skin Rejuvenation Devices. FaceFX uses Home Fractional Technology – a safe and effective manner to provide stimulation of heat and light energy to the multiple layers of your skin, without high levels of discomfort, making it a pain-free alternative to Botox or surgery. The device works to improve skin texture, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, fade the appearance of dark skin patches and reduce pore size. Sounds awesome right?
Perfect for Spa Addicts and Beauty Buffs, FaceFX is designed for anyone who wants a more natural youthful appearance and is tired of the expense of high-end facial creams, professional laser treatments and/or facials.
At $299 (+ 20% off for Skinny Dip readers) FaceFX is a splurge. However, I like the fact that it’s something you buy once and you can use it anytime in the comfort of your own home (vs. ongoing pricey spa treatments). Plus I like the idea that it will hopefully keep me away from the injecting my mug with god-knows-what. The last thing I want is to become like one of The Real Housewives of Orange County where I start rocking crazy Barbie style hair extensions to overcompensate for the fact that I can no longer make realistic human facial expressions.

Not cute honey.
To show you guys how to use FaceFx I’ve made a little video. I filmed and edited this late last night so, please be kind. I swear to god I don’t smack my lips and say “Umm” this much in real life. Honest.
Editors correction: I realized after I made this video that I actually made one mistake: you can expect noticeable results within 3-7 weeks after treatment. Note: For the first month, users are advised to use FaceFX 3 times a week and once a week thereafter for maintenance. Each treatment session should be 15-20 minutes. This means that you’ll get to see sooner rather than later whether I start to undergo some kind of Benjamin Button style reverse aging process. Yay!
So what do guys think? If you’re interested if picking up a FaceFX for yourself, all Skinny Dip readers receive 20% off anything on, when they use code NYNY (I’m actually eyeing up some of their hair removal systems. TMI?)
Have any of you ever tried a skin care device like this? What’s your skin care ritual?