Coworker: “So, what did you buy your boyfriend for Christmas?”
I got excited and started to tell her that I bought him (among other things) this amazing Therapeutic Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamp.
Coworker: “Um, what is that?”
Coworker: *blank stare*
Me: “I mean, its not really a rock…its more like a giant crystal“
Coworker: *blank stare*
Me: “…. and the crystal is supposed to make you feel good and put you in a good mood“
Coworker: *blank stare*
Coworker: “Hmmm. My boyfriend bought me a Tiffany’s necklace?”
Me: (Sigh) “Yeah, me too”
I may have also mentioned that my neighbors in BC like to smoke their own salmon in their backyard & something about composting toilets. Insert more blank stares here. Accidentally leave “BC Mode” turned on when you’re not on the West Coast and run the risk of convincing your co-workers that you are stoned at work. Which I am not. I swear. Really.
I’ve been back in Toronto for a few days now and I’m happy to report that I more or less back in the swing of being a slightly jaded, over caffeinated Torontonian.
Now, if you’ll excuse me I have a crystal lamp that needs turning on.