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Stalking, Made Easy.

I realized yesterday that I don’t really write much about what I do on a day to day basis. I think I forget that some people who read this actually don’t know me in real life. For example, until my last post I don’t think I ever mentioned where I work. So, here is Part 1 of “What I do when I’m not writing (or working)”.

#1. I do NERDY computer things.

Lately, I’ve been spending a lot of time working on the design and coding for this site. Here is a photo of me (or at least the back of my head) working on Skinny Dip. This is my preferred blogging set up: MacBook Air + secondary screen + Mac cordless mouse. And, yes, that’s a wooden stapler to my right & an iphone (Low Tech and High Tech, side by side). It’s definitely Mac product Central Chez Skinny Dip. Unfortunately the iphone isn’t mine (yet)- its BF’s-but when I finally upgrade my phone (soon) I will get one of my own. On the big screen I have Adobe Illustrator open. I use this program to make graphics for the blog.

There are still lots of improvements to make on Skinny Dip & I’m working on them. One of the things I did as a New Years present to my blog was I added some social media features.

Here are some new and fun ways that you can stalk interact with me:

1. Twitter! I’ve finally overcome my fear of Tweeting. I resisted at first, kind of hated it (& wondered, what’s the point?!) but, now I am hooked. If you read this blog & have Twitter, let me know so that I can follow you and vice-versa.

2. Facebook Fan Page! I’m so happy that people actually joined. I put it up thinking it would play out like that scene in 200 Cigarettes, where Martha Plimpton’s character plans this massive party and then the only person who shows up her weird ex-boyfriend. So thank you for joining and for supporting me. Because of you, I don’t feel like a total loser.

3. RSS! The RSS feed has been fixed and is now in a convenient, easy to see location. Click it & subscribe in your reader. If you’re still experiencing problems with this, please let me know. You can also follow me through BlogLovin‘ if that’s your thing.

4.Blog Networked! You can now also follow me on 20sb, the BUST Girl Wide Web & BlogHer. Is anyone else on BlogHer? Do you like it?

I’ve resisted joining Four Square (even though I know its like the thing now) for these reasons: 1) It kind of creeps me out. Do you really need to know my. every. move? b) My life basically looks like this: coffee shop. work. gym. Portuguese deli near my house. home. repeat. c) I eat out way more than I would like to admit. You might get grossed out. It would be like reading Liz Lemon‘s food diary. Do you guys really need to know how often I go to Mexitaco or the Donut Shop across the street? I’m guessing probably not. (And the answer is: I go to Mexitaco so often that I think I’m starting to understand the plot lines of the Telenovelas they play on the giant flat screen TV. I can’t help it. I’m really addicted to their pork & pinneapple Pastor tacos)

What social media do you use and love?


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