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Sometimes Life is Best Summed Up in Bullet Points


I feel like there’s a million things I want to share, but none of them necessarily warrant a full post. So, for the sake of clarity and because it’s Monday, here’s my life summed up in bullet points.
  • You know that feeling when you’ve been working on a huge project for a long time and then you stop working on that project and think, “I’m going to have so much free time! Yay!” but that totally doesn’t end up happening? That’s been my March in a nutshell (hence, today’s blog graphic created by me). On March 5th I finished the second draft of my book. I envisioned I’d spend the next few weeks off soaking in mineral pools (this is less than 10 minutes from my house), leisurely blogging and watching Black Panther a second or third time. Instead, the past few weeks have been a mad scramble to try and accomplish all the errands that fell to the wayside while I was focused on writing. Productivity is awesome, but I’ve yet to have a good soak or get a pedicure or see Chadwick Boseman again on the big screen and frankly, it’s starting to bum me out.
  • Speaking of writing, a couple of you (including my writing coach) have encouraged me to write some erotic fiction on the side. I’m toying with the idea of launching a Patreon account to do exactly that. Show of hands: who would be interested in receiving based-on-real-life erotic stories to their inbox every month?
  • In January I went on a press trip to Hedonism II in Jamaica, which I followed up with a couple days of solo travel exploring the island. I haven’t had a chance to write about my experiences yet, but there’s a ton of photos on my Instagram. Technically, Joe and Hammer are still there. Joe says, “when it’s time to come home, we’re going to walk into town, hop in a Fed Ex envelope and hope for the best.”
  • My goal for April is to finally get my learners license (again — last time I drove was when I was 19). The plan is to re-learn to drive and eventually get a vehicle. While I’m not looking to buy a BMV 5 or anything like that, I’d really like something small and efficient like a Smartcar or even a Vespa for zipping around town. Apparently, you’re supposed to ask the Universe for the things you want. I hope by mentioning it here, I’ll write it into being.
  • My enamel pin obsession continues. I recently ordered the holy trifecta of pins: Erykah, Lauryn and Pac. My jean jacket is getting very, very heavy.
  • I’m planning on including more travel themed blog posts and city guides on Skinny Dip. So far I’m thinking: Los Angeles, Palm Springs, Tulum, Negril (Jamaica) and Victoria, BC (my hometown). Which would you like to read first?

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