Saturday night was my long awaited blogger-friend date with Sandy B!
I had such a good time!
<--- Here is a slightly out of focus Blackberry photo to prove it.
So, where did we go and what did we do on our date you ask?
We both live on the West side of downtown Toronto (WESTSYYYDE!) so we met up on College Street to grab some martinis. If you’re not from Toronto, the College St strip is known for its dozens of small italian eateries, chic lounges and small bars. We went to Bar Italia, where we met these very nice girls who just happened to be hosting a private party there that night and offered to pay for our two rounds of drinks & dessert! Sweet! (Thank you Universe, you’ve been so good to me lately). We hung out at the bar & listened to the live band while talking about magazines, blogging, babies, life…etc. It was so refreshing to talking to Sandy B because I feel like I don’t have to go into long exlanations about why I feel the way I do about certain things in my life (career, babies, writing) she just “gets it”. Very awesome!
(Also, I loved how she kept ordering us glasses of water, at one point saying “I think this is going to be a night of heavy drinking”. Ah, a girl after my own heart)
So after Bar Italia, we headed down to The Drake Hotel to meet up with Sandy’s husband & his friends.
At The Drake I made an interesting discovery:
If you know me in real life or you’ve been reading this blog for awhile you know that I have a rep for being a total WEIRDO/PERVERT MAGNET. You want to meet the least desirable guys at a club?! Send me into a bar and just wait. From what I discovered on Saturday it seems that Sandy B is ALSO a bit of a weirdo magnet (She’s stunning & cool.
Can you blame them?). Within a few seconds of hitting the Drake Underground dancefloor we had a whole slew of strange dudes lurking, putting their arms around us, trying to dance with us. Just when we thought we were safe they’d “approach” again. Ladies, you’ve all experienced this: the grabby, lurkers who just won’t leave you alone. It gets old. FAST.We ended up moving to a different area of the bar where unfortunately Sandy witnessed another Skinny Dip installment of:
“How Not to Pick up a Woman, Part #68644748565002324525”We were walking through the front room when we passed two of the touchy culprits from earlier in the evening. One of them looks at us and yells out:
“Hey! There’s THAT girl” (Huh? I’m not sure what he meant by this but, dude-we’re standing right there and can hear you talking.)
Then, I see one of the dudes reach out his arm to touch Sandy. At that point it was like all the anger from being groped, grabbed, pinched, and rubbed up against in clubs against my will just boiled over (It’s been 10+ years of this shit). I aggressively stuck out my arm, blocking his and yelled out:
“Don’t TOUCH my friend!”
We started walking away when I turned around to see the guy and his friend GIVING ME THE MIDDLE FINGER.
(Excuse me?!)
So, I just FLIPPED THE BIRD right back. Then, buddy did a move that I like to call “The Passive Agressive Handshake”. He stuck out his hand, shook mine and said in the most condescending, sarcastic way possible:
him: “You’re a
really nice Girl”me: “You seem like a really fucking nice guy“
him: “FUCK YOU!”
(before walking away) me: “FUCK YOU TOO!”
Giving the finger to grown women & yelling out obscenities = HOT. Good luck getting laid jack-ass. And thank you for reminding me that the Singles scene in Toronto is a total LEPER COLONY full of socially inept individuals. Good job.
What’s messed up is that I’m willing to bet money that these are the guys who sit around complaining how “All the girls in Toronto are total bitches”.
(can you really blame us?)
As a note to the guys out there: I’m a nice person. Show me some actual social skills and I will reciprocate. A nice hello, a friendly (non-passive aggressive) handshake and some intelligent conversation goes a long way. Some witty convo skills and some sexy eye-contact IS the ultimate panty dropper (for me anyways). Treat others how you want to be treated. I’m just saying.
(And no, the line “YO, are you like Eastern European or WHAT?!” does not constitute witty banter. sorry dudes.)
Anyways, that was just an amusing blip in an otherwise awesome night out. Sandy and I stayed at The Drake until close, hanging out around the Sky Yard‘s fire-pit, drinking, talking, making new friends and dancing the night away to the hits of the 90’s.
I can’t wait to do it again! Second date??
Yesterday, I spent the afternoon hanging out with Ukelele Misfit, wandering around a bookstore and drinking coffee/tea: a perfect way to spend a (slightly hung-over) Sunday.
Another great part about this weekend: I think I’ve kicked my writers block. Listening to music, going for long walks, and writing in your journal are all great things, but really, the best cure for writers block is hanging out with people who inspire you.
Does anyone else have a great blogger meet-up story they would like to share?