Symphony for One: The Siena Symphony G-Spot Vibrator

In high-school I had this one girlfriend who was a year older and quite a bit more sexually experienced than I was. Although I had just started sleeping with my first boyfriend, at the time I was still pretty clueless about sex. One day while we were walking home from…

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New Blog Design, a Reality Show & Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes.

Hello Skinny-Dippers! You may notice that everything looks a little bit different around here. That’s because the wonderful people over at Caffeinated Designs have moved me over to WordPress and given this blog a sexy makeover. After a lot of back & forth, hard work & technical issues, Skinny Dip…

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Naughty or Nice?

Want a crash course in frugality? Try spending a year being unemployed, underemployed or freelancing. One of the positive outcomes that came from my year of underemployment (June 2009-May 2010. RIP) is that the experience transformed me from a champion impulse buyer to the world’s biggest tight-wad. I went from…

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