Meet the New Designer on the Block!

One of the worst things about Canadian Winters is that right about now, when everything is frozen and you’re starting to wonder “When will it end?!!!” designers start to taunt us with their Spring & Resort lines. You’ll be walking down Bloor Street, bundled up in a parka, scarf, hat…

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Who were you in High School?

Its been over 10 years since I graduated High School. Since then, I haven’t spent much time thinking about that era of my life. However, over the holidays a few things happened that made me reflect (for the first time in years) on the experiences I had in my early…

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What’s Inside your Bag?

I’ve seen these kinds of posts on a million different blogs so I decided to finally do one of my own! (Because maybe, like me, you get a secret thrill at seeing what’s inside other people’s bags, apartments and closets…) Lets take a look at what’s inside my bag…. (Clockwise…

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I don’t want things to be like this anymore

OK, so here is what I have wanted to write about for a few days but haven’t been able to get out. Call it writers block or fear of “outing myself” (although you’d think I would have gotten over that by now). Here it goes: Bedtimes have never been easy…

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January in Motion

Ever since I wrote that letter to myself (about a week and a half ago) I feel like I’ve been running on manic speed. There is so much I want to do over the next year. The past two weeks I’ve been feeling really inspired and full of ideas and…

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