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My Week of Amazing Luck

Last week I felt full of angst and self doubt. I was sending out resumes, writing emails, trying to “put myself out there” and getting nothing but silence in return. Everything felt stagnant, like life had come to a standstill. I know I am being a bit over-dramatic but I desperately wanted something, ANYTHING to happen. As it turns out, I just had to wait a few days because this week has been fantastic.

Here are some of the cool things that have happened so far:

1. I won a copy of Sade’s new “Soldier of Love” CD from the slice.ca Valentine’s giveaway. Ok, so maybe this isn’t that big a deal to anyone else but, I NEVER WIN THINGS! And, I love Sade (She’s on my list of artists I still need to see live, along with Prince and The Roots). I have a lot of bills to pay this month so I have been holding off from buying the album. It was almost like they read my mind! My copy should be in my mailbox in a few days!

2. I GOT A JOB!!! This is a big deal. If you weren’t aware already, I quit my job at the end of May and have been looking ever since. To pay the bills I’ve been working at a boutique In Yorkville (aka: I sell $300 jeans and $800 handbags to Toronto’s over-privileged). I had doubts at first about whether working there was the right thing for me but I’m glad I stuck with it. If I hadn’t, I never would have met some of the awesome girls I work with. My new job involves doing Event Planning for a major university here in the city (hint, its my alma mater!). Event Planning & PR is something I really want to get into so I’m excited about the opportunities this position may lead to in the future. (PS. I’ll still will be working at the store a few days a week. I’m not ready to say goodbye to the girls… or my discount)

3. I met with my editor, and it looks like my Dating Column for 20-something.ca is finally going to launch sometime in the next month. (I just need to create some art work on illustrator for the column header). The column is going to have a similar vibe to Skinny Dip, but will hopefully reach an even larger audience. I will let you guys know as soon as my first article is up on the site so that you can check it out.

PS. I still need a catchy name for the column and I am taking suggestions! Comment or email me!

4. Last night I went to the “Stories from our Black Books” book launch (invite above) with my friend & regular partner in crime, Melissa. At the party my streak of amazing luck continued!

First of all, I WON THE DOOR PRIZE! Apparently, I DO win things.

Best part of winning a prize: right after they called out my name, these two lovely ladies came over to say hello….it was SANDY B (one of my favorite bloggers!) and her sister!!! SandyB also lives in Toronto and last night was the first time we met. Meeting one of your fave bloggers in person = SO EXCITING. Its almost like meeting a celebrity, but kind of better. I usually like bloggers even MORE in person. I can’t say the same about most of the celebs I have met. FYI. SandyB was awesome in person. The party was super loud & crowded so I didn’t get to talk to her as much as I would have liked but I’m hoping we’ll get to hang out again very soon!

I’m really glad I went to this launch. I’m really inspired by what they have done with this book. The first collection of “Black Book” stories have already been turned into play (set to open Off Broadway in the near future) and they are now working on a TV series. Since the universe has been so good to me this week I’m just going to put it out there: I’d eventually like to do the same thing with the some of the stories from SkinnyDip: turn them into a book (and maybe more!)

Right now this is still a dream but, I’m saying it out loud because if this week has taught me anything its this: If you put good intentions out into the universe and believe in what you’re doing, good things WILL come back to you.

Melissa and I spent the rest of the night with some (dangerously) good martinis, celebrating and toasting the future.

So, I just confessed my BIG DREAM. What’s yours?


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