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Me Against Me

I really needed to read this quote this morning. (Thanks Tupac you always make me feel better)

Yesterday I had this really low moment where I said to myself:

“I feel like a failure”

I know its kind of harsh, but that was exactly how I felt at that moment. 

(of course this all came about while I was sitting alone in a coffee shop, listening to the bad Lionel Richie CD they were playing—which I’m sure made everything seem worse than it really was. Lionel Richie is good for that)

I feel a bit better this morning. And reading this quote reminded me of a few things:

I’ve wasted so much time in the past worrying about things I have done, things I should have done but didn’t, school courses I should have tried harder in, people I maybe shouldn’t have slept with, substances I ingested but probably shouldn’t have, people I shouldn’t have loved but did, friendships I let unravel, opportunities I should have gone after, my LSAT score, not getting into Law school the first time around… and the list goes on. This is the kind of stuff that can seriously keep you up at night. What I’ve realized is its all just a huge waste of energy. Yes, there are things I could have done differently in the past, but you can’t change the past. The past is over. And really all  any of us really have is today. So, be kind to yourself, keep moving forward and make today a good day.

And with that said, I’m going to be spending part of today cleaning my house and getting ready for my Dad’s visit. He’s coming to visit from BC and will be staying with me for 6 days. So, if you don’t see me online its probably because I am out with my Dad, walking around the city, going to our favorite restaurants, drinking coffee and checking out museums. I always find it refreshing experiencing Toronto through the eyes of someone who doesn’t live here so, I’m really looking forward to the next few days. 

{quote found via We Heart It}

Do you ever have these moments of doubt like I do? What do you have planned for today?


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