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Let the Matchmaking Begin!

I am back from Vancouver Fashion Week and had a fabulous time! However, before I get into sharing all of my adventures, there’s someone I want to introduce to you…

Skinny-Dip readers, meet my friend Chris:

Chris is the awesome guy behind the new Facebook Matchmaking game CrushHub. We met in Chris at Bloggers in Sin City when he came to talk to us while we chowed down on an all-you-can-eat buffet brunch. (If you caught me chewing during your presentation Chris, I’m really sorry. I have problems focusing when there is bacon in front of me.)

Tired of his Mom asking him why he was single, Chris decided to leave the high-powered world finance  and take matters into his own hands, creating CrushHub – a social matchmaking app on Facebook that allows you to set up your single friends. Personally I think it’s a great idea. Considering I am complete magnet for bizarre weirdos, I’d prefer to go out with someone who comes with some “references” – i.e. a trustworthy friend who can vouch for the fact that the person I’m about to have dinner with doesn’t save his toe nail clippings in jars or have an extensive collection of human hair that he keeps in his mother’s basement.

To better understand how CrushHub works, we did a real life simulation. Nicole nominated the lovely & single Amber Adrian to be matched up.

When you play CrushHub online you list what makes your friend awesome to help facilitate the matchmaking process. Nicole did the same with Amber’s “photo.”

Next, we split into teams, got out the sharpies and got to work, drawing pictures of our single friends that we would potentially match with Amber. Here is Brandy working hard on one of her masterpieces:

After we finished our drawings, we added selling points for our friends like, “Has Killer Abs” or “Simone Has Never Slept with Him” or “Has Killer Abs”

Here’s Almie with her friend Dave, Grace with her creation & Bob with what appears to be a photo of himself.

I decided to draw my friend Ryan because he is awesome and literally one of my only single male friends. Ryan is sweet, thoughtful, and a true gentleman. I have no idea whether he has killer abs, however he does have a thick head of hair which as you get into your 30’s is a real selling point. I’m maybe not the best person to play CrushHub with because I will try and set everyone up with Ryan and pretty much only Ryan. I tried to draw him with “kind, thoughtful eyes.” I think I totally succeeded!

After we were all done, each team presented their top match:

In the end Amber chose Johnny the Costa Rican Surfer who is rumoured to have  killer abs. Because, well, HE’S A SURFER WITH KILLER ABS. Although I was totally rooting for Ryan, I can’t blame her.

CrushHub basically works exactly the same online, however with Facebook profile photos instead of really awesome Sharpie drawings.

Because sometimes cartoons explain things better than actual humans, if you still don’t understand what CrushHub is all about, here’s a little video…

 Me & my fellow #BiSC-uits have been testing CrushHub in Beta mode since the end of May and it’s actually a lot of fun. Because I’m the typical Virgo oldest child who likes to think she knows what’s best for other people, I’ve had fun playing Matchmaker. Also, one of the best features of CrushHub is that it respects your privacy: CrushHub does not do wall posts.  Period. And the only messages that go to any of your Facebook friends are ones that YOU ask us to send. This means that no one has to know that you’re scheming behind their back, unless you want them to.

I should probably add – given the nature of this blog, I get approached all the time by PR firms that want me to write about the latest online dating app or website. CrushHub is the only dating related app I’ve come across so far that doesn’t freak me out in some way. I’m starting to think that being set up  by people who actually know you is the way to go. However, my Mom may disagree. The other day we had the following conversation:

“Mom, have you ever met anyone that you could see me dating?”


Although the words of my Mom aren’t exactly reassuring, I’m willing to give CrushHub a chance …and so should you. Set up your friends! Scheme! Matchmake! Meet sexy people!

(BTW. In case there was any confusion, this isn’t a sponsored post. I’m just trying to help get the word out.)

So on that note…



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