While I love receiving these kinds of cards from my friends, I always feel weird sending my own life updates and I’ve never made a personalized photo card. I’ll usually just pick out a few cards from a local shop that I think look cool (case & point: last year I sent Almie a Nick Cage themed card) and include a quick note of love & appreciation before I pop them in the mail. Don’t get me wrong, my life as a single 30-something is actually quite awesome, but I’m afraid that an official “this is what I did in the past 12 months” update might come off as boastful or just silly.
Do my friends with children really want to hear about the 2.5 weeks I spent galavanting around Los Angeles, shopping, going to shows and eating every taco in my path? Will my lifestyle just come off as selfish and indulgent? Do they want to see photos of Joe and Hammer in tiny ugly Christmas sweaters*?
I think a lot of these feelings come down to the fact that once you reach a certain age and are single and/or childless, society subtlety (or not so subtlety) suggests that your life isn’t as valuable as the lives of people who are partnered and have children. This needs to stop.
(* if the answer is “no” to the tiny Christmas sweaters, we should probably end this friendship right here right now.)
Match noticed and they think singles updates matter too! This year they’ve created a unique set of holiday card templates just for singles so they too can join in this tradition and spread extra holiday cheer.
Here at Skinny Dip, the staff and I have made our own Singles Greetings cards. Mine is all about food, naturally. You can see Joe and Hammer’s below.
Want to make your own card? You can do it here!
May your holidays be amazingly delicious and devoid of rap beefs.
This post was sponsored by Match.com. Thanks for supporting the brands that support this blog.