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Inside my Bag 2.0

I don’t know about you but I never get tired of seeing what’s inside people’s bags. I find it fascinating what people carry with them on a daily basis. Maybe I am just totally nosy…

I did a post about what’s inside my bag two years ago so I decided it’s time for an update.

Meet my purse. I’ve been carrying this around everyday since I got it in December. You can read the story behind why I bought it here.

I like the orange and beige piping. I feel like it adds a preppy, nautical feel to the bag. Let’s take a look inside! (clockwise from the top):

1. Random pamphlets + my Christian LaCroix notebook (for jotting down blog ideas)

2. Gym lock: I always forget to take it out of my bag after I workout.

3. Kissaholic lip gloss by Booty Parlor: I got this from Ohhh Canada and I actually really like it. The lifestyle in Victoria is very laid back so this is just enough color to make me feel dressed up in a pinch.

4. Burt’s Bees lip-balm: My lips are always dry so I need to carry lip balm at all times. I love my Burt’s Bees because it’s made of natural ingredients and it doesn’t give a weird aftertaste.

5. Black Pilot hi-Techpoint pen: my favorite kind of pen. period.

6. Pink iPod shuffle: I love to workout to music but I don’t like running with my iPhone. This is perfect because I can clip it onto my shirt and keep my hands free.

7. iPhone 3GS: I love this phone. The pink case is from Aritzia where I used to work.

8. Camera case containing a Cannon Power shot camera: There’s so much beautiful scenery in BC that I like to carry a small camera with me whenever I am visiting.

9. My keys with their “Matryosh-key” key covers: The mini pink purse is my keychain and the other pink thing is my Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt points card (which encourages me to spend a disturbing amount of money on frozen yogurt)

10. Miu Miu wallet/clutch: I originally used this as a clutch but then when I was in Vegas I started using it as a wallet as well and it just stuck.

11. Cat eye sunglasses: After reading “The Help” this summer I desperately wanted a pair of 60’s inspired cat eye shades. I found this $7.99 pair from Joe Fresh at Superstore and have been wearing them instead of my usual Marc by Marc Jacobs pair ever since. Meow!

Let’s take a closer look…

These pamphlets are actually the 2012 Eden Fantasys sex toy catalog and an application form to join Denny’s frequent eater program. I feel these are very…telling.

{Two of my favorite things: sex and greasy breakfasts.}

Lastly, I need to show you guys a close up of my notebook. I bought this with a gift certificate I received for Christmas. I really enjoy Christian Lacroix’s paper products. The quality is really nice and they aren’t as expensive as you’d think they’d be. The pattern on this notebook grabbed me…it’s really pretty!

The inside is even more stunning. How could you not be inspired when you open this notebook?

(I love how it says “Belongs to” in French and gives you a space to write your name)

Now for the million dollar question: How many bags does a self-proclaimed purse addict bring with her for a 6-week trip? Answer: five. How many does she actually use while she’s on said trip? One. Go figure.

What’s inside your bag?

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