This post is kindly sponsored by Gaiam TV the first streaming video subscription service designed to reach those interested in health and happiness. All opinions are my own.
From personal development to sexy products and online dating, topic-wise this blog has been jumping around a lot the past two weeks. Hopefully you guys are able to keep up! Although pretty things like lingerie & sexy toys are never far from my mind, as 2012 draws to a close, I’ve been really focused on personal development. As I mentioned before, I just wrapped up the Holiday Council course with Molly of Stratejoy. I’ve been spending a lot of time planning my goals and brainstorming ways to make 2013 totally awesome. So when Gaiam TV contacted me and asked if I’d be interested in participating in their Happiness campaign, it couldn’t have come at a more perfect time.
Gaiam TV is the first streaming video subscription service designed to reach those interested in health and happiness. You can stream Gaiam TV’s entire library of thought provoking movies, top documentary films and fitness videos anytime, anywhere from your personal computer, iPad and smartphone. Gaiam TV is kind of like a warm & fuzzy, feel good Netflix for your body and soul!
One of the documentary films they are currently featuring is the film “Happy” from Academy Award nominated director Roko Belic. Confession: when it comes to documentaries, I’m a huge nerd – meaning that I totally love them. It’s not uncommon for me to stay home on a Friday night and watch a couple of documentaries while chowing down on a bowl of popcorn. The film Happy takes us on a journey from the swamps of Louisiana to the slums of Kolkata in search of what really makes people happy. Combining real life stories from around the world and powerful interviews with leading scientists in happiness research (I think the official term is “Positive Psychology”), Happy explores the secrets behind our most valued emotion. You can watch the trailer here.
The message of Happy is simple: contrary to what we often believe, true happiness is much less dependent on status & material possessions, but rather how you interact with the world and the connections you make with the people around you.
I really, really loved “Happy.” During a season that’s dominated with materialism and over-consumption, Happy is a warm & fuzzy reminder to be grateful for everything that you already have. If you do anything this holiday season, I strongly suggest you take an hour and a half to watch this film.
Luckily, Gaiam TV has made this task super easy for you. If you’d like to check out the film you can watch it online for free right now!
Gaiam TV is offering a free 10-day trial to all Skinny Dip readers. Sign up here for a free 10-day trial and you’re automatically entered to win a 3-month subscription and a cozy, organic fireside blanket (Over $125 Value!) Gaiam TV subscription fee is normally $9.95/month and allows subscribers to stream unlimited content. The subscription to Gaiam TV is no strings attached; there is no commitment, and members can cancel at anytime. So, even if you just want to watch the Happy movie and maybe catch a few yoga videos, you don’t have to worry about getting locked into anything.
Gaiam TV asked me to share 5 things that I will commit to doing more of in the New Year to be happy. So, here they are:
1. Listen to more music. I used to be the girl who obsessively kept up with every new release from every soul/r&b/hip-hop/house music artist. However, since graduating university my passion for music has kind of fallen to the wayside. I’ve decided to change that. I’m back to reading Soulbounce religiously, discovering new artists everyday & loving it.
2. Make exercise part of my daily ritual: Exercise releases endorphins – nature’s “happy drug.” Although I’m already quite active I want to make exercise an even bigger part of my life for 2013. My new motto is “shop less, go to the gym more.” Also I’m totally digging the idea of checking out a Barre Method class or two.
3. Learn how to cook new things: It takes almost as much effort to make ho-hum food as it does to make really awesome food. Lately I’ve been experimenting with new recipes in an effort to expand my repertoire. I love the sense of satisfaction that comes from making something delicious for the people I love!
4. Be present & participate: According to the film Happy, a sense of community and participation is a pre-curser to happiness. I’ve noticed that I get so much more out of experiences when I’m really present and engaged. For example, not only showing up for book club, but reading the book and making an effort to cook something to share from scratch.
5. Practice gratitude: My life is pretty awesome. Making a conscious effort to recognize and honour this on a daily basis will help me appreciate even more everyone & everything I’ve been blessed with.
What are you committing to doing more of in the New Year to be happy?