Home » GIVEAWAY! I Want You to Have a New Bed.

GIVEAWAY! I Want You to Have a New Bed.

It’s no big secret that my bed is one of my favourite places to be. Besides the obvious reasons being sleep & sex (although I think a lot of good sex actually takes place outside of the bedroom) my bed is where I like to spend hours reading, where I write most of my blog posts and up until recently, where I watched most of my TV and movies. I’ve even been known to occasionally eat in bed (don’t judge). I’d run my life from my bed, if I could.
Last year I finally got the bed of my dreams: a solid dark maple modern platform bed, with 8 drawers underneath (one that I indulgently use just for bathing suits and toys. whee!) a pillow top mattress & a 300-thread count duvet & sheet set. Getting the perfect bed was a nice send-off to my twenties – a decade which was mostly spent dealing with creaky “on the verge of self-destruction” Ikea bed frames, lumpy futons and other less than dreamy bed situations. Here are a few examples:
1) The Lowrider: When I lived in the crazy house with a bazillion room-mates my bed was literally a mattress and a box-spring sitting on the floor. I could have bought a frame but, I was a broke student putting myself through school. My friend Evan nicknamed it “The Lowrider”. Whenever I’d tell him about a date he’d always ask “So, did you let him test drive the Lowrider?” (Evan’s bed – a black wrought iron canopy bed – was in turn nicknamed the “Black Iron Maiden”). One night I came home with a date. We were kissing next to my bed when he tried to do the “I’m going to pretend to loose my balance & gracefully pull you onto the bed with me“-move. Except, he really did loose his balance & we fell backwards what felt like 3 ft in the air and landed on the bed with a thud. Romantic? Not so much.
2) Milk-Crate Heaven: In second year university one of my best friends lived with a guy who had a thing for building furniture out of milk-crates. I was over there one day, listening to my friend lament about the latest edition to their home decor – a 5 1/2 foot tall milk crate kitchen storage unit- when he said, “Simone, this is nothing – I have to show you something“. We poked our head into his room-mate’s bedroom and there it was: a bed, made entirely of milk-crates. There was also headboard, night-stands, and across from the bed a floor to ceiling, wall to wall entertainment unit – all made of milk-crates. It was both epic and a massive turn-off all at the same time.
3) Between the Buns: Last but not least, there was the time I went back to a guy’s house only to find out he slept on this:
Wait, that’s not a true story but, I WISH IT WAS. As bizarre as it would be doing it on a burger, imagine the blog fodder and all the potential double entendres involving the words “meat” and “buns” (yes, I am aware that I have the sense of humour of a 14 year old boy).
Loving the bed you sleep in is important so, the people at Cymax’s online furniture stores have kindly given me a $100 gift-certificate to give one of my lucky readers! It can be used towards the purchase of any of their products, including their bedroom sets, platform beds , bedroom accessories (including bedding!) or baby products! There is no minimum purchase required so, the $100 gift certificate is really all for you.
To enter, all you need to do is leave a comment & let me know why you’d like to win.

Get an extra entry if you follow me on Twitter & an additional entry if you Like Skinny Dip on Facebook.

Please let me know if you’ve done either & make sure you include in your comment some way for me to get in touch with you – either your twitter handle, email or URL. I will draw a winner at random on Friday March 4th.
Thanks & Good Luck!

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