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Check out my New Digs!

Welcome to Skinny Dip version 3.0!

I’ve haven’t posted anything for a week because I have been spending all of my blogging hours working on giving Skinny Dip a much deserved face-lift.

My blog has looked more or less the same since I started it a year ago. To explain how I feel about my old lay-out, I’ll use the analogy of getting a hair cut (work with me here): when you first get a new hair-cut you’re so excited about the change that you’re like “WHOA THIS IS AWESOME!”. Then it grows and grows and grows (and you grow and change) until it gets to this awkward point where you’re like “I’m not totally feeling this but I’m just going to go with it because I’m not sure what else to do“. Time passes and before you know it you’re at this horrible point where you’re like “OMG, I look like a cross between 1990’s Alanis Morissette and Cousin IT. I can’t fucking deal with this anymore!“. When YOU stop feeling like YOU or your blog stops feeling like YOU, its time for a change.

I feel really different than I did a year ago & I thought the blog should reflect that. I told my web designer that I wanted it to be BIGGER! BOLDER! CLEANER! MAKE IT SO PINK THAT IT BURNS PEOPLE’S EYES! (Ok, maybe I didn’t say the last one..)

I’m really happy with the results & hopefully you guys are too! In case you are just tuning in, here is what Skinny Dip used to look like:



I love it. It’s brighter. It’s fresher. It feels more like “me”.

I can’t take all the credit here. I need to give a shout-out to my “web designer” aka the guy most of you know as BF, who kindly helped me update the site. I think he did a good job!

A few new features:

-BYE BYE WACK COMMENTING SYSTEM…. I’m using Disqus now! What this means for you: Its now easier to comment on entries. I can reply to you & you should receive my response in your email. I’m hoping that this will make the blog way more interactive (something I have wanted for a long time)

– Hello pretty blog-roll!

– Oh & I finally wrote an About Me section (it only took me a year) and thanks to the better layout you can actually find it.

What do you guys think? Is there anything that you feel is missing from the blog? Please leave me your feedback. Also, there are still a few things that need tweaking so, if you notice any bugs or features that aren’t working, let me know.

In other news, The Ex-Boyfriend Letters have gone National! 20-something.ca has decided to syndicate my Ex-Boyfriend Letter series. This means that more people are going to get to read about my experiences with alcoholics, multiple orgasms, men who like to play with kites & why lying about sleeping with a blogger is never a good idea. Hopefully none of these people will be my Mom.

And, Kandace from One Red Wall has written her very own Ex-Boyfriend Letter, that you can read right here.

So, I guess now that the EBF letters are taking off, I need to get my ass in gear and finish writing the rest of them (or at least post the ones I have saved as drafts). Now that I have a new pretty space to publish them I think this is the perfect time.

If you decide to write your own EBF letter, let me know. If there is enough interest, I’ll do a round up of all the letters & might even re-publish a few with your permission (because between work, freelancing & trying to have some semblance of a social life, I could really use a little bit of help in the form of guest blogging). I’ll also send you your own EBF artwork like I did for Kandace, if you link back to me.

What’s new with everyone else?! Tell me something good!


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