Skinny Dipping

My best friend asked me a really good question the other day:

“Is it weird revealing so much personal stuff online in your blog?”

Yes & No. 

Sometimes after I publish a post I’ll have a moment of panic where I’ll think “Oh my god, I just wrote THAT online”. But that moment usually subsides. I always console myself with the false sense of security that hardly anyone reads this anyways (which I know is not true).

To be honest, writing about my life in a public forum feels really liberating.  I started this blog because I wanted a place to record and reflect on everything that’s happened to me since I’ve moved to this city. I’ve had a lot of experiences, however I also feel like I’ve carried around the emotional weight of these experiences. Especially as I head towards 30, I don’t want to do this anymore. This is where the idea of “Skinny Dipping” comes in. My intention is to write about these experiences and let them go. I guess you could say Skinny Dip is about catharsis: stripping down, diving in & coming out the other side feeling refreshed. 

There is something to be said about letting go. The more I write about my life, especially the experiences that were painful or  just embarrassing, the lighter I feel. By letting go of where I have been,  I now have more room to think about and discuss where I am heading, my goals and my future. It feels great.

I’ve already shared on here my thoughts on marriage & children, the complete details of a one night stand, my “quarter life crisis”, why tequila and  dating Yorkville douchebags do not mix, how I fell out of love with my ex and why I didn’t sleep with  my high school crush. Yes, some of these experiences are really personal, but they are mine and they are part of who I am. I don’t really want to hide that anymore.

There are a few things I will not blog about:

+ Any “drama” that’s going on with friends, my family or BF’s family. That’s not the point of this blog.
+ My current job (unless its a fun anecdote like this) or my former employer (although they gave me tons of blog worthy material to work with, I just won’t go there for legal reasons).
+ Anything I wouldn’t feel comfortable sharing with friends over a couple of drinks…

I’ve also come to the conclusion (in particular while writing this list the other day) that I’m a bit of an exhibitionist (sex on cars, cage dancing, unabashed lip sync performances, anyone?). When I mentioned this to my best friend she agreed, adding that she considers me:

“A Classy Exhibitionist”

With all this talk of figurative skinny dipping, there is one thing that this classy exhibitionist has never done: gone Skinny Dipping in real life. Since my “To-Do before 30 List” is seriously lacking in the fun department, I’m adding skinny dipping to the list. Sometime before my 30th birthday I’m going to take it all off, jump in and just do it. –Preferably somewhere warm and NOT Lake Ontario (I’m brave, but not that brave). I can’t wait. I think its going to be great.

{Today’s photo is from Parasol magazine}

What are you/aren’t you willing to reveal on the internet?

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