This brought me back to my own (brief) Myspace days….
Years ago, I opened a Myspace account when the site first launched. Shortly after I posted my profile page I received the following:
1) A message from a nerdy looking Jewish guy who sent photos of himself sitting in a canoe (Pierre Trudeau style) and another one of him hang-gliding (his favorite hobby). In his message he was upfront that he “wasn’t looking for a girlfriend….he was looking for his future wife” & preferably a lady who enjoyed hang-gliding. Not only was he barking up the wrong tree, he was looking for this ON MYSPACE. I wonder how that worked out for him…
2) Regular messages from variety of different shirtless, buff Asian guys posing in front of their motorcyle or blinged out Honda. Back in the day, I might have actually been into this (hey, don’t judge!) had their messages not always read like some variation of “S’UP. U LOOK HOTTTTTTT. LETZ B FRENZ K? HAHA LOLLOLOLOLOL”
3) Two dates with the Big Baby. We all know how that turned out.
Apparently there was something about my profile that sent out the message: “Hi. I’m looking to get married. Oh yeah and I also love Hondas with giant rims, hang-gliding, canoe rides and guys who just want to tickle me“.
The other night I was thinking about this and pondering my next blog post when I said to myself “I wonder if my Myspace account is still active? Maybe I could log in and retrieve one of these old messages and use it for blog fodder” (This is me, bleary eyed from a long day at the office, clearly scraping the bottom of the barrel for writing material). When low and behold, I opened my email and found this Facebook message from a complete stranger:

Everyone is saying that Myspace is dead but, clearly its creepy spirit is alive and well….on Facebook.
Now that I’ve sufficiently scrapped the bottom of the barrel, I’m going to go back to eating my lunchtime burrito at my desk.
Does anyone else receive these kinds of bizarre messages from strangers? I can’t be the only one. Tell me some stories!