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29 Things you Should Know About Me

By now you already know quite a bit about my dating experiences, past relationships and sexual (mis)adventures. But what about the rest of my life? Maybe there are some things you are wondering about. For example, what kinds of things am I into (besides lingerie, martinis and sex in unusual locations)? What’s my family like? What kind of music do I like? Do I read books? Or, maybe you aren’t curious about any of this stuff. Either way, I’ve tried to come up with a list of basic non- dating/sex/relationship-related things that will help you get to know me a bit better. I’m going to approach this kind of like this is my first date with you guys. Although this actually feels a bit more like we’re on a second date…you know the kind of second date where you’ve already slept with the person on the first date & now you’re going out again to “get to know each other better” so that both of us can stop feeling like sluts….not that I’ve ever been dates like this before or anything. cough. cough.

29 Things you should know about me (or maybe never wanted to know..)

1. I’m fairly tiny. I’m about 5’4 and weigh 106 lbs. 34-24-34. One of the first things people always tell me when they meet me in “real life” (if they have only known me online) is “I thought you’d be bigger!”. I guess I have a big personality to make up for a small body?!
2. I’m part Polish, Ukrainian/Russian-German (on my Mom’s side) and English (on my Dad’s side). Pervy comments aside, I actually really DO like Polish sausage. But only the good kind that you get from a Deli. The Grocery store stuff is just gross.
3. I have an unhealthy love affair with the Filet O’Fish, going on 26 years now. I bless the day in 1963 when Lou Groen (creator of my favorite fast food sandwich) decided that fried fish + processed cheese + tarter sauce + a soggy bun would make the perfect food for Catholics who get FAT CRAVINGS on Fridays (THAT’S ME!). I love Lou even though my arteries probably hate him.
4. I have one sister. She is 5 years younger (See below. She’s the blondie)

5. Along with my aversion to Clowns & Boy-bands (mostly because of the matching hair-cuts), I also am kind of freaked out by Mall Santas. Notice in the photo, my sister looks totally relaxed while I am leaning away from Mall Santa’s beard? Maybe this is when my dislike for facial hair started?
6. Both my Mom and Sister are artists. I love Modern Art that is bold & colorful & graphic. Andy Warhol and Keith Harring are favorites. With that said, seeing all the Renaissance paintings at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence was really amazing…I had a total ART-GASM.
7. When I was 12 (the summer after grade 7) I read the Andy Warhol diaries. While most kids my age were probably reading Paul Zindel books, I was reading about a bunch of trannies, drug addicts and socialites partying up with Andy in his tin-foil covered “factory”. Hmm this could explain a few things…
8. Two more of my favorite things: Seafood and White Wine. Oh…and I wear glasses (contact lenses most of the time) because I am quite blind without them. I usually have a lot of bruises all over my body because I’ll get up in the middle of the night without my glasses & accidentally crash into stuff.

9. City of God & Y tu Mama Tambien are two of my favorite movies.
10. With that said…I once watched Ferris Bueller’s day off 3 times in a row (it was a Bueller-a-thon on TBS) because I didn’t have a remote control & I was too hungover to get up and change the channel. I find movies from the 80’s very comforting.
11. I admire funny, smart women like Tina Fey, America Ferrera & Amy Poehler who write, create and produce stuff on their own terms.
12. I love my Mom more than anyone in this world. I keep the photo below (taken when I was 17 or 18) on my nightstand and look at every night before going to bed.

13. Up until the age of two, I was Blonde. Within a year my hair turned Brown. Growing up I used to wish I had Blonde hair. Now, I love being a Brunette. Also, notice I’m not holding a beer bottle in my baby photo?! That’s because this girl didn’t “Party Hard as a Bebe” (jajajajaja), I did however let my Mom give me haircuts.

15. I love books and read voraciously. Before I started doing this blog, I’d usually finish a novel or book every week. However, now that I’m blogging, I’m lucky if I finish one or two a month.
16. Authors that rock my world: Douglas Coupland, Dave Eggers, Zadie Smith, Haruki Murakami…to name a few.
17. I collect Jonathan Adler pottery (see below). I love all of his stuff because its very modern & chic with a mid-century twist…which pretty much describes my home decor taste! The Whale is my latest acquisition, bought in L.A. Someday the Giraffe Lamp will be mine…oh yes it will be mine.

18. As a kid I loved creating outlandish outfits while playing dress-up for hours on end. I still get this little flutter in my heart every time I pass one of those “Old Time Photo Studios” at Amusement Parks. I secretly want to go in, try on all the costumes and spend the afternoon having my photo taken so that I can add to my big stash of photos like this that I have from my childhood (thanks to many amusement park outings with my grandparents who indulged in all my dress-up desires). But, then I feel weird. Adults don’t do that kind of stuff right?
19. As much as I love party dresses, sky-high heels, red lipstick & black liquid liner, I’m pretty low-maintenance. Most of the time I like wearing jeans, a white t-shirt, flats and almost no-makeup.
20. I’ve known my best friend for 23 years and I consider her like family. She’s one of my favorite people in the world and today is her birthday!! Happy Birthday!! I love you! She also has a doll faced new-born daughter who is one of the cutest tiny humans I have ever seen.

21. I have a Honours BA in Anthropology (with a minor in English), a degree that basically has very little practical use in the real world. Although, some people may argue that I’ve applied my Anthropological research skills to my dating experiences, consciously/unconciously seeking out every bizarre, strange, unusual relationship situation possible with the same kind optimistic curiosity Dian Fossey possesed while hanging out with Gorillas. FYI. I’ve decided the alternate title for this blog would be “Hanging with the Gorillas”
22. I listen to music constantly and couldn’t live without my Ipod. I love (what my friend Nadine has dubbed) “good urban music”: Erykah Badu, D’Angelo, Maxwell, Stephen Marley, Lauryn Hill, Outkast, Marvin Gaye, Prince, Jill Scott, Common, The Roots, Everything but the Girl, Tupac, Biggie, Nas, Tribe Called Quest, Motown etc. But, I’m really open minded and will listen to almost anything as long as its good (Right now I’m loving the XX, the Cure, the Smiths, New Order)
23. I also am hopelessly in love with House Music, but not in a creepy Jersey-Shore-Fist-Pumping kind of way. THIS is one of my favorite songs, period.
24. I don’t have kids or a dog or a car…I have BAGS (and one Cat). And, at this point in my life I’m perfectly OK with this. Although sometimes I wonder if my purse obsession is the city-girl equivalent of collecting Precious Moments figurines (ie. maybe this is the “new sad thing for women”?)

[Although I hate to play favorites with my babies, the brown vintage Chanel purse –which is on semi-permanent loan from my fashionista sister—is definitely one. I actually wear it very seldomly because I’m afraid something will happen to it. And yes, I realize how silly this sounds]

25. My favorite colors are Turquoise & Fushia.
26. I love men with dark hair & brown/hazel eyes. The only Blondes I’ve ever dated were the guys from Ex-Boyfriend Letter #1 and #2 (Oops, that was a “dating related” fact. My bad)
27. I’m anything but conservative. My political views swing to the Left.
28. I find people’s handwriting really interesting and am always curious to see what other people’s looks like. Here is a sample of mine:

29. When I’m not blogging, I love to lie in in bed reading, watch silly TV shows, drink coffee, go for walks around the city, shop, wander around bookstores, try out new restaurants, go to the gym & go out dancing with my friends whenever I can…you know, normal people stuff.

And that’s ME!

I hope you’ve enjoyed our “first date”. Maybe we can do this again sometime?!

(if you’re not totally freaked out by this point)

If you were meeting someone for the first time (or on a first date) what is something that they need to know about you?


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